So Jack's BFF has this mother in law that always comes over and talks shit to me. Now I can see the legitimate things she says, but seriously I can only listen so long. So I decided to tell my big mouth Jack what she was saying, KNOWING damn well he was going to tell BFF. DOES!!!! So BFF call and is clearing have a fucked up day and demands to know all the shit she said. So I tell him and he's like " is is cool I FUCKING tell her stupid ass" So the cunt I am I said sure but I don't want to be in the middle of it. DUH I already am right!!! SO he tells her and he calls me on speaker so yeah I was HURD. That happened on Thursday.
So BFF invites us to this BBQ over at his bosses house. First I can't stand the family the kids are rude, he is an asshole, wife bitch. So we go and some young guys are over there, with my LOVELY cocktail in hand, I over here the closet college boys (Jack & BFF) convincing these guys to bring there beer bong table over so they can kick there ass. So they do.....YEAH that was fun to watch. So between the beer pong and the shit talking and making bets finally it was time to go. We go home and Jack leaves and in comes Jack, BFF, Matches, The MOTHER IN LAW...........
WHY... I was asleep on the ol' couch but BFF clear wasn't having it. AGAIN beer pong, Now I do play with them but for some reason I always get the shitty players and end up SHIT FACED. So feeling good thay decide to give MIL to me as a partner. FUCK...... These fuckers (Jack and BFF) bounce the balls and they land in cups....I WAS trying to figure out WHY they call matches (matches) FUCKFACES took advantage of my learning.....4 fucking cups that MIL clearing is crying to drink. So we drink them and decide to smoke a vig. Outside we smoke I get dizzy decide YEP I am going to hurl. Calmly walk into the house PUKE and start snoring ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's.......
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